Mindful Makers

An Interview with Erika Eklundh, Founder of Gnista Spirits

Interview Mindful Makers

Since 2021, we have had the privilege and immense joy of working with Erika Eklundh and her groundbreaking brand, Gnista Spirits, from the beautiful South of Sweden. Erika was one of our very first partners, not just inspiring but also supporting us from the beginning. In our Mindful Makers interview, she shares insights about her journey, her unique approach to crafting complex non-alcoholic drinks, and a sneak peek into what’s coming next.

“My starting point is the kitchen, and all the Gnistas are built and balanced the same way you create a tasty meal. Every ingredient serves a purpose—whether it’s adding flavor, acidity, or mouthfeel.” — Erika Eklundh

Your Personal Journey & the Vision Behind Gnista

Gnista means “spark” in Swedish – what was the spark that led you to create Gnista?

My main drive has always been to improve and break new ground; and, as a person, I’m creative, determined, and restless. Food and cooking have been my main interests since early days, so this was a natural field of work.

Back in 2015, when Seedlip was launched, I worked with another beverage for grown-ups. Naturally, I ordered a bottle to try. When a number of ‘me-too’ brands followed Seedlip, offering ‘distilled, non-alcoholic gins,’ my plans changed.

None of the early non-alcoholic spirits resembled a true spirit—those challenging, complex liquids with bite, depth, and an intense, lingering sensation. These early brands weren’t trying to replicate fine spirits but rather cater to a wellness crowd looking for botanical, calorie-free alternatives. They were meant to be botanical, soft on the palate, and, of course, free from calories. A little bit like “non-alcoholic spirits for beginners” — people who put health first and who finally found a good reason to opt out of alcohol yet still be socially acceptable.

But, I didn’t agree. I knew there was a big — and growing — crowd that cared about the drink experience, above all else. These are people who love to celebrate and hang out with friends over cocktails, but may want to skip alcohol (for the night or forever). There are so many reasons people may choose to opt out of alcohol, beyond just pregnancy and religion.

At the center of this shift were bartenders and mixologists, who were seeing an increasing demand for great non-alcoholic cocktails. Gnista was born out of the conviction that this group deserved something better—and from my drive to challenge the status quo of what defines a ‘real spirit.’

Your products are not copies of alcoholic drinks but rather unique creations. What drives you to develop completely new taste experiences?

The rationale for developing all my drinks (Floral Wormwood vermouth interpretation in 2019, Barreled Oak whisky/rum alternative in 2020, Red Not-Wines in 2022 and Pink Ginista in 2024) is the same: Trying to imitate taste of our classic alcoholic beverages - that contain the magic flavour and layer enhancer alcohol - will only result in bad copies.

For me it’s obvious that de-alcoholising will never be satisfactory for a wine lover who chooses to not drink alcohol. The drink lacks soul. My starting point is therefore trying to establish the essence of a great red wine experience. And for me, it has more to do with tannins, body, spice, tartness, and length (and taste nuances meaning it will be great to pair with foods as well as drink on its own) than the fact that it’s made from fermented grapes.

The Art of Blending & Aromatic Complexity

You work with a blending process for both your spirits and the Reds. Can you explain what this means and why you chose this approach?

My starting point is the kitchen, and all the Gnistas are built and balanced the same way you create a tasty meal. Every ingredient serves a purpose—whether it’s adding flavor, acidity, or mouthfeel.

What makes a truly complex, deep flavor profile for you? How do you find the perfect balance?

Sourcing ingredients carefully is key! Acidity plays an essential role in creating drinks that appeal to those who enjoy complex and challenging flavors. But acidity comes in many forms—rhubarb, which serves as a base in our spirits, contains oxalic acid, which gives the perfect sharpness.

Is there a particular ingredient or technique that defines Gnista and runs through all your creations? Do you have a favorite ingredient?

All Gnista products are made using similar methods but with different ingredients. My favorite combination is ginger, single-estate black pepper (we use a floral variety from Vietnam), and habanero—each burns in a different way and at a different spot on the palate.

Production Insights & Hard (Fun) Facts

Can you give us an idea of how much effort goes into making a batch of Gnista? For example, how many different ingredients are in a bottle of Floral Wormwood?

Floral Wormwood contains 19 different ingredients (not counting the water for extracts). Everything is handmade! Just yesterday, for example, I peeled 30 kilos of oranges for one of the extracts—we only use the peel.

How big is a typical batch? And is there an ingredient that is particularly difficult to source or process?

The 30-kilo orange batch I mentioned yields about 8,000 bottles. Our batch sizes range between 4,000 and 13,000 bottles, with Italian Style being our largest production yet.

Have you ever had a production mishap or an unexpected experiment that led to a new idea or even a product?

Many, especially in the early days, usually related to ingredient sourcing and terroir. Unfortunately, no new products came out of it—just improvements on existing ones!

Mindful Drinking & the Future of the Industry

What makes a truly great alcohol-free product in your opinion?

Something complex but not too sweet or mild. I like a bit of a challenge!

What do you wish for the future of Gnista and the industry as a whole?

More diverse non-alcoholic drinks, but with continued great quality.

If you could send a message to everyone looking to drink more mindfully, what would it be?

Swap your pre-dinner drink for a non-alcoholic one at your next dinner party. That’s already one less glass!

And last but not least—what’s new at the Gnista HQ? Can you reveal what’s planned for 2025?

A new, hopefully great collaboration with my brother! Still a secret, but it’s not a red

We sincerely thank Erika for her time and are, of course, already looking forward to the new alcohol-free specialty from Gnista!

You can regularly find more insights into the world of our producers and other inspiring people advocating for a new, inclusive drinking culture in our Mindful Makers series!